Open data and information Portal


3 datasets found

  • Meteorological Station (MET) of the Phoenix Mission

    "It is important for the next exploration missions to learn more about the Mars planet climate. It is for this reason that the Phoenix robotic spacecraft landed on Mars in 2008 in order to search for environments suitable for microbial life on Mars, and to research the history of water there. The...
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
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    • PDF
  • Strato-Science 2018 campaign - Stratospheric Balloon Flight - Canadian Space ...

    This dataset contains the telemetry data obtained from the different subsystems during the Strato-Science 2018 campaign of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) which took place in Timmins, Ontario, Canada between August 6 and 26, 2018. (For more information on this campaign :...
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
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    • JPG
    • TXT
  • AUSTRAL2017 - Stratospheric Balloon Flight – Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Stra...

    Here is data coming from a balloon, as high as the Eiffel Tower is tall, and whose utility is to test new technology applications before being placed on satellites for long-duration space missions. This dataset contains the telemetry data obtained from the different sub systems during the...
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
    • other
    • TXT
    • PDF
    • CSV

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