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5 datasets found

  • THEMIS Mission (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Sub...

    The Northern Lights are a fascinating natural phenomenon. These animated shows in the night sky have contributed to the mythology, folklore and art of many cultures and civilizations in the Northern Hemisphere. In 2007, as part of the THEMIS Mission (for "Time History of Events and Macroscale...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Metadata of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Library collection

    Set of metadata that describe all documents of the Larkin-Kerwin Library collection. This collection consists mostly of documents published by commercial publishers, but also includes internal CSA documents.
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
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  • Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) on SCISAT

    Canada’s SCISAT is studying the complex chemical processes that affect the distribution of ozone in the upper atmosphere, especially over the Artic. From its orbit 650 kilometres above the Earth, its instruments use the light from sunrises and sunsets each day to identify more than 60 gases and...
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
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  • CARISMA Magnetometer Network

    The CARISMA (, previously known as CANOPUS, magnetometer network is operated by the University of Alberta. Users of the data are asked to follow the rules of the road at Any use or distribution of the data please include an appropriate...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • AUSTRAL2017 - Stratospheric Balloon Flight – Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Stra...

    Here is data coming from a balloon, as high as the Eiffel Tower is tall, and whose utility is to test new technology applications before being placed on satellites for long-duration space missions. This dataset contains the telemetry data obtained from the different sub systems during the...
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
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